We Are Tourist ^^

We Are Tourist ^^

Sunday 26 October 2014

Rural tourism in Galicia(Northern Spain)

Northern Spain offers some of the best natural surroundings for rural tourism. Most visitors to this part of the country come to experience the beauty of its geography and its delicious and varied gastronomy. Galicia is some of the most popular northern destinations for rural tourism. Furthermore, Galicia is well-known for its splendid landscapes, ranging from spectacular sea views to mountain areas.

Parque Nacional Marítimo-Terrestre das Illas Atlánticas de Galicia

Here you can find the best beach in the world. And it's not because we say so ourselves, but The Guardian newspaper. We are referring to the Rodas Beach beach located in the Cíes islands. Crystal clear water, fine golden sand, a crescent shape with a sheltering pine forest that invites you to a nice nap.
If in the past the Cíes Islands were a pirate haunt, today they are uninhabited and only open to the public in the summer. In this way they are preserved as a natural haven, without haste, without traffic. Just the sound of the waves and the wind.  But if you long for noise, climb up to the Faro lighthouse. The views are amazing and you can enjoy a unique spectacle: thousands of seagulls squawking (possibly the largest colony in Europe) around the cliffs... flying at you feet.
In addition to the Cíes Islands, the National Park includes the islands of OnsSálvora andCortegada. In Ons don't miss the mysterious "furnas", granite sea caves cut by the waves, such as the mythical "Burato do Inferno", which was believed to go all the way down to hell, and on stormy nights the voices of the dead could be heard. And then, to get your strength back, there is nothing like a taste of the "pulpo á Illa" (island style octopus).

Natural Park O Invernadeiro

Natural Park O Invernadeiro

With nearly 6,000 hectares and a location in the Macizo Central in Ourense, O Invernadeiro extends through rolling green hills and steep rocky landscapes. 
These are the domains of the wolf, boar, ermine and marten. And deer, chamois and wild mountain cats, as well. A paradise that must be preserved. A permit is required. But the experience is unforgettable. 
There are six routes. Thus, even if you're not an expert, you can stalk both deer and roe deer... A magical moment. Only here can you see whole forests of holly, rowan and yew, trees sacred to the Celts, overflown by eagles, hawks and white vultures. Because O Invernadeiro is home to the largest concentration of raptors in Galicia.

Galician Woodlands

Exploring the woods of Galicia is the best way to get away from it all, leaving your hectic daily life behind to immerse yourself in a soothing, peaceful natural world.
The damp air mingles with the smell of  the trees and moss. The dry leaves crunch under our feet. In the background, we can hear the sound of water flowing down the rivers and brooks that wind their way to the sea. Pay attention to the route, since these woods – some of which are almost impenetrable – are home to flora and fauna that deserve our respect.Thick woods of oak, holm oak, birch and chestnut. The woods await you, silent and immobile: come in and explore the landscapes of the most magical places in Galicia!

Posted by YEE PEI WEN (A13A1626)

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